Thursday, August 7, 2008

Piñata Party

So I promised you all a Thursday post if Asher sent me the pictures Michael told me he was going to send. Well, he didn't, but Brittany did, so Brittany is today's official Blog Superhero, and she gets extra superhero points for being as nerdy as me to the point of Googling the word "piñata" so that she could paste it into an email and have the proper accent on it. I thought I was the only one that anal retentive -- good to know I'm not!

Okay, so this post is about the piñata-making party a few of our cast members had earlier this week. During the show, there is a birthday party, and at this birthday party is a piñata shaped like a penis. Now, this is not an easy thing to acquire, nor is it cheap, so the cast decided to make their own penis piñata. Below, find pictures from this endeavor, courtesy of Brittany Washington (who says the piñata is apparently pretty heavy, so we're going to hope she doesn't take out and cast/audience members while she swings it around onstage!).

Early on in the process (pre-papier-mâché [see, I can Google for accents too!]). Michael concentrates very hard. I'm fairly certain he's trying to create the head, but I really don't know.

Now that the head is attached to the shaft, Brian begins to cover it in papier-mâché.
Yes, this is slightly out of order, but it would take a really long time to delete this picture and go back and left-justify it, because I'd also have to delete all the others and re-justify them, because my computer is being really slow. At any rate, this is Michael, peering at us through the penis. A little weird, that.

Asher blow-dries the papier-mâché once the penis is assembled.
These next few photos are actually from set building on Sunday, but I figured I would include them as well.
Our lovely set -- that's me on the left, laden down with bags of costuming paraphernalia, then Brittany, Michael, and Kevin's dad Mike.
Michael and Theresa being craaaaazzzzzyyyyy.


Michael said...

I can't believe no one has commented on the awesome that is our set, or even more awesome the pinata (not the no ~ cause I'm too lazy to copy and paste, but not too lazy to explain why i was lazy).

Since I'm kind of in the know let me throw some numbers at you for our pinata. It is roughly 3.5 ft in length and guesstimating 1.5-2ft in um....girth(can I say that?). The balls are a little bigger than a basketball. This is going to be a monstrosity of a prop. Good Luck wielding it Brittany.

Anonymous said...

Schaaff told me about this.

This is too good to be true.
So excited for closing night!