Monday, May 5, 2008

When 2 Become 1 ...

Well, this has been a long time coming. I was supposed to begin this blog a while back, but there's been so much going on with CCT and 2nd Flight that I've been putting it off till everything was a little more settled -- which it is!

First of all, welcome! If you're here, it's probably because you are a fan of theatre, an actor, a techie, or looking to learn more about this fabulous theatre company. Which fabulous theatre company, you ask? Well, that's a tricky question.

You see, really, we're two theatre companies -- recently two became one (do you hear that Spice Girls song playing? Because I do. And if I had any idea how to attach a song to blog posts, you'd be hearing it too, so be glad I'm not as compu-literate as I pretend to be!). CCT, the College Community Theatre of Northern Virginia Community College, Sterling Campus, has decided to join forces with 2nd Flight Theatre Company (formerly 2nd Flight Productions, but too many people though we made movies so we changed it) to form THE GREATEST THEATRE COMPANY KNOWN TO MAN.

Actually, here's how it happened. This past winter, Shannon Khatcheressian of 2nd Flight approached Natalie Safley of CCT and said "Hey, the last time we worked on a show together" (this would be Noises Off, January 2006, which Shannon produced and Natalie starred in) "it was awesome, let's do another one. How about Closer by Patrick Marber?"

The show opened in February 2008, and was pretty darn successful, given that it's a really racy show and this was 2nd Flight's first time performing outside of Fairfax County (and only their second show not in Manassas), so no one had ever heard of them in the Sterling area.

After the sucess of Closer, Shannon and Natalie decided that since CCT has a great space, 2nd Flight was losing their space (the Cramer Center was up for sale), and the show had really gone very well, why not try merging the companies?

So here we are -- CCT with 2nd Flight Theatre Company.

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